On friday 16th we made a live-session in Inning at the lake Ammersee.
And even while we were a little (uhm, ok - i was very) rusty Niko worked to keep the session interesting and alive - so there were some nice moments in that session too.
Have a listen to the second half and go to Niko Von Fazit on Soundcloud
Recordings from the first NINJAM-session 2021 which took place on monday, january 11th, can be found on Bandcamp following this link: https://five-lakes-music.bandcamp.com/album/session-07-ninjam
Hope you enjoy what you hear there - Bandcamp is also a great place to look for more/other music - have fun!
Archive of NINJAM sessions
An archive with the recordings of the sessions on our NINJAM-server is now available.
The session-recordings of the sessions from the previous day are automatically collected each night, packed into one ZIP-file and also automatically uploaded here.
There is no manual preselection in this process, so it is likely that there are many empty projects as every time someone connects to the empty server a new session is started. Interesting might be the ones that comprise of a couple of Megabytes of data.
To identify a special session check for the date and time which is reflected in the files name.
The files from the archive can be downloaded and imported into REAPER by dragging the '.log'-file from the folder-structure into an REAPER-project-window.
Added notes specifically related to ambioSonics online sessions via NINJAM and REAPER.
ambioSonics-crewmembers are encouraged to find these notes here.
Find the collection of music from the ambioSonics-sessions at https://www.ambiosonics.de .
© 2007-2024 - Charly Hotel