Opening our NINJAM for new participants

Times are somehow a little difficult, and jam sessions are especially hard to organize with all kinds of restrictions and no place to go.

That is why we invite people to join us in our private 5lakes-NINJAM-server.

To join in you'll have to request a personal (handmade) account with us; at the moment the request for access is to be made via private message to @fairplay on the (

We'll answer there and eventually you receive the servers internet-address, a user-id and a password to log into the NINJAM-server with the ReaNINJAM-plugin within the REAPER-DAW. That enables you to participate in (or even organize) NINJAM-sessions.

Apart from the possibility to record a session on your computer all recordings of the previous day on the NINJAM-server are automatically uploaded around 3am to a password-protected webspace to which all our NINJAM-users have download-access.

Find more information about NINJAM in general ( and our setup in particular (

first session 2021

Recordings from the first NINJAM-session 2021 which took place on monday, january 11th, can be found on Bandcamp following this link:

Hope you enjoy what you hear there - Bandcamp is also a great place to look for more/other music - have fun!

It will never end, but...


Technical optimizations and improvements, new features, ideas and possibilites - it will never be finished, especially on the net.

But: we have reached a point where we passed the inital setup and even have set a pretty good standard for ourselves:

  • NINJAM ist running
  • documentation has been set up
  • the clients have been installed and tested
  • there is a space where all recordings are stored
  • and made available to the participants after the session

Now could and should be the time to use it for what it was intended: make music, perhaps even good music...

Mac OS X automation

Notes collection in regard to automation of tasks under Mac OS X 10.something added.

The goal here is to make the NINJAM- server as autonomous as possible, initially with tasks like

  • launching services after reboot
  • collecting recodings of previous day
  • packing the NINJAM-folder structure of recordings into one file
  • move the file to public archive
  • maintain recording originals for a while, but
  • keep server-storage free for new recordings

At the same time considerations moving the NINJAM-Server to a simple Raspberry Pi 4B with larger storage attached, as the NINJAM on Linux has a few more features attached - like private rooms (which we not necessarily need), moderaters message (uhm -hmm?), perhaps voting system (seems to have been removed from the current version).

A test-compile of the server on a Raspberry Pi went smoothly and seemed to perform very nicely.

ambioSonics - NINJAM - notes

Added notes specifically related to ambioSonics online sessions via NINJAM and REAPER.

ambioSonics-crewmembers are encouraged to find these notes here.

Find the collection of music from the ambioSonics-sessions at .

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