NINJAM Sessions archive

The session archives are automatically maintained*: the session-recordings from the previous day are collected each separately into one ZIP-file and uploaded here.

The ZIP-files contain the full folder structure of the NINJAM-recording;
to use the recordings

  • download and unzip the ZIP-file
  • take the '.log'-file from the resulting folder and drop it onto a REAPER-project-window
  • the whole NINJAM-session with all tracks, timings and even text-chat-messages is imported into the REAPER-project

*as long as there is space; when the storage gets tight individual files will be deleted manually and when they are gone - well then they are gone...

To sort the list of sessions please click on the respective table header.
The Name of the ZIP-file represents the date and time of the recording and is thereby identifiable.
Also there is a filter/search-field to right.

Even if it was just a tech-setup-session there were some moments in session '20201219 1705' - that would be the one to check and try to pull out a track or two...
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75 - 17 = ?

© 2007-2025 - Charly Hotel